" We bring balance to your body so you can bring balance to your life. "

   The top most vertebrae in your spine, the C1, is also called the Atlas. The Atlas is the vertebrae your head sits on. The Atlas also plays a crucial role in your central nervous system, housing neurological, and blood flow to your brain. Of your vertebrae the Atlas, is the most susceptible to misalignment.

   Orthogonal means right angles, or square. Your Atlas should be level or square on your cervical spine (neck) as in diagram 1. Misalignment of your Atlas, as in diagram 2, can cause your head to tilt which in turn creates multitudes of dysfunctions throughout the entire nervous system, and therefore, all the body systems. Your body instinctively attempts to straighten your head, keeping it over your feet. This may cause stress in other parts of your spine such as your shoulders, pelvis, hips even your knees or ankles.

   The A.O. Technique is specific to the Atlas, and is an extremely gentle and effective technique for all ages. The A.O. Technique helps get your head on straight and the body re-aligned. The technique uses an adjusting instrument developed by Dr. Roy W. Sweat with the aid of engineers at Georgia Tech University. The precision of the A.O. instrument allows for an adjustment that requires such a light force that you may find it hard to believe anything effective has been accomplished. Your doubts and fears quickly vanish when your pain and discomfort disappear.

   For more information about the Atlas Orthogonal Technique click on the links below to view several videos:

Diagram 1

Diagram 2